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Monday, May 6, 2024

Paul Sims: 20 in Their 20s (Young & Prosperous)

Associate Cushman & Wakefield, Glendale Age: 25 As a member of Cushman & Wakefield’s Minervini Team, which specializes in industrial leases, he assists in expanding business in the San Fernando Valley. Amazon.com Inc. in Thousand Oaks, Quantum Creation FX in Burbank and Safelite in Sun Valley are among the lease transactions he has helped broker. Biggest Accomplishment: Graduating from the University of Southern California. I was the fourth generation in my family to graduate from there, so it felt good having the hard work pay off and keeping the legacy going. Most Interesting Aspect of Job: Meeting various tenants and learning about what they do. From the outside, some people think a warehouse is just four walls and a roof, but being in the San Fernando Valley with a lot of entertainment-related uses, you get to be a part of some interesting projects. Most Memorable Experience: My first deal when I was representing a tenant in their relocation. The most memorable part of the deal was being able to successfully find a new location and negotiate terms that were favorable for their business strategy. Biggest Misconception About the Profession: That it’s easy. Attraction to Career: Besides having both of my parents work in real estate during their careers, I tend to be more engaged in what I do when there is some sort of physical aspect to it. That tangible aspect or real estate is probably what I look forward to the most on a day-to-day basis. Personality on the Job: Being an outgoing type and always pushing myself are tools that allows me to succeed. How This Generation is Different: People in my generation are used to instant gratification. In an era with Amazon Prime, Google, Postmates, Uber, etc., A lot of people in my generation are used to receiving what they want quickly. On te flip side, this growth in technology will continue to innovate our generation and push us to find solutions for the next set of problems like the generations before us. Career Advice: You should always keep pushing and be open minded to creative solutions that can help the client facilitate their needs. Biggest challenge? Just being young in the industry. Starting out, you don’t have much of a client base and I just keep pushing myself one day at a time.

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