80.3 F
San Fernando
Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024

‘Honest, Persistent, Competitive and Occasionally Stubborn’

G. Warren Bleeker Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, Glendale Warren Bleeker works on cases involving patent, trademark, and copyright litigation. He has 19 years in the legal profession. Best part of the job: Having the background and expertise to creatively solve problems for clients – and winning in litigation. How law is changing: There has been a lot of consolidation in the legal field, and as a result, fewer IP boutique firms. Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie is able to offer the skill and expertise of an IP boutique firm, as well as being a full-service firm with the ability to serve all of our client’s legal needs. Personality traits of a power lawyer: I am honest, persistent, competitive and occasionally stubborn. Memorable experience: In one particularly heated litigation matter where the business partners were essentially going through a business divorce, I deposed the opposing party’s principal. His adult son also showed up at the deposition and alternated between playing video games on his handheld device and taunting me while I was trying to ask questions (e.g., “Dude, you’re getting schooled!”). We had to take a break, bring in a videographer to document the taunting and the taunting stopped. Favorite out-of-office activities: I really enjoy traveling to different parts of the world so our family can experience the culture, food, people, wildlife and environments that are very different from Southern California. Our most recent trip was to the Galapagos Islands, and my favorite trip was to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda. One legal rule/practice that needs changing: Keeping track of billable hours.

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