Valley Forum: How Do You Sell Secession? The firm of Goddard Claussen Porter Novelli has been hired by Valley VOTE to devise a campaign strategy that will assure passage of Valley secession in the Nov. 5 election. The firm says it is now coming up with a concept for slogans, commercials, etc. So, the San Fernando Valley Business Journal asks: If it were up to you to sell secession to the public, what is the slogan you would use? Larry Cohen President Glyphix Woodland Hills “I leave LA.” Chris Garland Creative Director Xeno Design Van Nuys “Valvista, the City of Courage and Change.” The concept needs to be forward-thinking and inspirational. It should set a leadership tone to the community to rally around. Natalie Vu Marketing Coordinator Impress Communications Inc. Canoga Park “With over 1.6 million voices in the Valley, we still can’t be heard.” Alan Kassan Executive Vice President Beitler Commercial Realty Services Sherman Oaks Borrowing from the dairy people, how about, “Got Valley?” Or how about, “Divided we stand, united we fall.” One last feeble attempt, “E Pluribus Valley City.” Michael Haag Senior Biotech Recruiter Technology Network Encino I have no comments on the slogan. But as far as the resources, we would be more in control when issues are addressed. We have complete attention and focus in our area. Here’s a question to think of, ” If you live in the San Fernando Valley, which is more important, Los Angeles or the San Fernando Valley?”