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San Fernando
Friday, Feb 7, 2025

Valley Forum

There are major hurdles ahead, but by the year 2000 San Fernando Valley voters may be asked to approve a measure that would create a new city in the Valley. Gov. Wilson’s signature on AB 62 took away the L.A. City Council’s power to block secession. Most Valley political and business leaders were agreed that the Valley should have the right to choose its own fate on secession. But now, many of those same leaders are on the fence when it comes to secession itself saying they must await the outcome of an expected feasibility study that would determine whether the new city could survive apart from Los Angeles. The Business Journal Forum asks: Do you think the Valley should secede from Los Angeles? Gwen Larson insurance agent Gwen Larson Insurance Agency Sylmar I’m basically for it. We’ve talked a lot to our Councilman, Richard Alarcon. I live in Sylmar and my business is in Sylmar. I feel like it’s a good thing and I think that we’re strong enough to secede. Octavio Nuiry president ON Marketing Northridge I think it’s shortsighted and it’s political. I don’t see what the purpose is. It’s the same thing with splitting up the school district I don’t get it. Creating a new government will only mean more governments, not a smaller government. Christopher C. Marella Design Quest Chatsworth Well, you know, I’m not too sure if there’s any special benefits (of secession). I don’t think there’s any need for it, L.A. hasn’t caused me any grief. Where’s the unity here, anyway? We’re the suburbs. Dr. Adrian Ortega general surgeon University of Southern California Sunland resident It’s probably a good thing because it gives a specific area more self control on how their tax base is spent. Getting less services and paying more taxes is a concern, but our taxes are high enough anyway and (the Valley’s) services are poor. Joann DeSantis secretary California State University Northridge Journalism Department I have very ambivalent feelings. In one way, I think it would benefit us to move toward a more local government, but in another way, creating another bureaucracy might be more expensive than we think. It’s also isolating Los Angeles proper. I think sometimes that it could be detrimental to both the (Valley and Los Angeles). Jeff Richardson director of production Trident Entertainment Inc. Burbank I moved to Burbank specifically to get away from Los Angeles. As far as the rest of the Valley wanting to get away, I wonder if they realize how much they’re going to be losing as far as services. But then again, they’re also big enough to go on their own.

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