The writers strike may have ended four months ago, but the studios still have checks to write — at least according to actors. Because of an obscure provision in the contract between the Screen Actors Guild and the Hollywood studios, hundreds of actors could be owed more than $10 million in back pay as a result of being thrown out of work when the writers strike shut down TV production last year. SAG has quietly lodged claims against more than 80 shows on behalf of “series regulars” who lost their jobs temporarily during the writers walkout, which shut down such hit shows as “Lost,” “CSI” and “Ugly Betty.” The union contends the producers violated a so-called force majeure clause in the current contract that entitles actors to receive roughly 2 -1/2 weeks’ pay if they are suspended due to extraordinary circumstances such as a strike. Series regulars include stars and those who have a recurring role on a show. For the full story visit,0,2019969.story