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San Fernando
Friday, Jul 26, 2024

Greuel and Miscikowski Looking for More Cops Money

Councilmembers Wendy Greuel and Cindy Miscikowski introduced a motion asking the City’s Administrative Office and Legislative Office to evaluate proposals that would generate more money for new Los Angeles police officers. The proposals include a change in the surplus property ordinance so that all proceeds from the sale of surplus property will go to the City’s General Fund instead of being split with the Council District where the property is located, revisiting the idea of eliminating or consolidating City Departments, and reviewing police department positions to see if some can be civilianized, putting more cops on the streets. “There has never been a better time to change the business as usual approach to City Hall,” Greuel said. “Government efficiency is more than just bureaucratic lip service, it is about real reform that protects the public’s money and ultimately delivers more services to the people.”

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