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Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024

Does Your Company Want a Free Ad Makeover?

I’ve mentioned it before as have some of our other writers, but now is not the time to cut back on advertising and marketing for a business. A company needs to get its name out there, even if the firm is not as big as it once was due to the current economic downturn. If it has changed its business offerings or expanded its line, it needs to get that word out, too. Or how about just keeping its brand out there, keeping the brand positive as other brands falter or are just invisible. It’s really important. As we come out of this recession, the companies that have kept their brands and their companies in front of consumers will be the ones that consumers or other businesses go to when the wallets open up. You can almost guarantee it. That’s why the Business Journal is about to embark on a special series of articles concerning advertising, marketing and businesses. We want to do a case study of sorts on one company that decides to undergo a complete advertising makeover. Over the next several months, we’ll write about the company as it goes through the process. We’ll do this in conjunction with Glyphix Advertising in Woodland Hills, a firm that helps clients build brands and create advertising to grow their firms. Glyphix is offering a free but complete ad makeover for a company that the Business Journal and Glyphix select to take advantage of this opportunity. Glyphix will be providing all creative, design and copywriting services for free but the client will be responsible for production and media costs throughout the process. The goal is to find a company that is looking to put “substantial” dollars behind an ad push, but this doesn’t have to be millions. But it’s got to be enough to make a difference for the company. It’s also got to be enough for Glyphix to have something to work with and for the Business Journal to have something interesting to write about. So consider this column an official call for companies to apply for this free makeover. Just contact me at [email protected] if you want your company to be considered. We want to start moving on this by early July so there’s no time to waste. A couple of things to consider in addition to what I have already mentioned: The company must be really serious about advertising and its effects as well as be willing to invest the money for the production and media costs that Glyphix won’t cover. Because this is to me as editor of the Business Journal above all else a journalistic exercise to produce some good stories and to foster understanding of the advertising industry for our readers, you must be willing to be accessible to the reporter who will be following this story over what I guess will be a several month period. You will need to talk about finances of your company and how this makeover is affecting business. You must answer our phone calls and cooperate with Glyphix professionals. All we’re asking in exchange for the free makeover is that you be responsive to our project which I believe will greatly benefit you. What happens in our series of stories will depend on what Glyphix and you determine are the best ways for your company to proceed with your advertising goals. The Business Journal will be the observer and chronicle everything in a creative format. It’s not certain how many articles will come about in this series it depends on what the advertising efforts turn out to be. It could end up that Glyphix recommends an entire rebranding effort for your company. And, if you accept that advice, there will be lots to talk about. I believe this will be an interesting and fun exercise for our newspaper and will be great for the company that is “made over.” I’m a true believer in the importance of advertising and marketing to a business of any size, so I know whatever happens, this will be worthwhile. So if you want your company to participate, e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at the phone number below. Business Journal Editor Jason Schaff can be reached at (818) 316-3125 or at [email protected] .

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