Mark Pash Certified Financial Planner Pash and Benson International Generally in any action, whether it’s political or not, delay will cause it to lose steam. But it depends on what’s happening in 2004. If things are going well, then most likely people won’t care. Dorita Lavintman Secretary/Office Manager James Heimler Architect Inc. I have mixed feelings about seceding. I think it will lose steam. I think the longer they delay any issue, it sits on the back burner and people have short memories and they forgot. You should strike while the iron is hot. The longer you delay an issue, the easier it is to get buried. S. Marc Tapper President T/G Marketing No, I think it will gain steam because there will be wider recognition. There have been articles on it and promotion to the business community. If it has two more years, it has two more years for the movement to gain supporters. So I don’t think it’s going to hurt it. I think it’s going to help it. Sam Glenn Owner Glenn Productions It will probably lose steam. When things are delayed too long, people tend to start getting tired or forget unless there’s enough publicity. Terri Lascurain Office Manager Fume-A-Pest That’s hard to say. I think it should be voted on sooner only because L.A. is such a big city it can’t really sustain the ability to handle the Valley as well as L.A. city. If you hold off the vote for a longer period of time, it’s just going to go over everybody’s head and nobody’s going to think about it. So the sooner it’s done, the more people will talk about it, and it has a greater chance of happening.