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Business Journal Publishes Valley 200

San Fernando Valley Business Journal has published a book listing the 200 most influential people in the region. The book is divided into sections of the leaders. Below is an alphabetical list of the Valley 200 with their company or organization affiliation. Name & Company/Organization Adelman, David Greenberg & Bass Alawami, Haider City of Thousand Oaks Alfano, Madelyn Maria’s Italian Kitchen Alpert, Lee Kanon Alpert, Barr & Grant Antonovich, Mike Los Angeles County Supervisor Apfelthaler, Gerhard California Lutheran University Ardalan, Bita Union Bank Arndt, Erick SCV Startup Arora, Sudesh NEO Tech Aszkenazy, Severyn Aszkenazy Development Inc. Atsinger III, Edward Salem Media Group Bauccio, Lois Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce Beicher, Bob Motion Picture and Television Fund Benton, Dennis Kaiser Permanente, Woodland Hills Blumenfield, Bob Los Angeles City Council Boeckmann II, Herbert “Bert” Galpin Motors Boeckmann, Beau Galpin Motors Bonrouhi, David Calabasas Capital Mangement Bradway, Robert Amgen Inc. Brockovich, Erin Brockovich Research & Consulting Bronson, Steven Qualstar Corp. Butier, Mitchell Avery Dennison Carolla, Adam Carolla Digital Castagna, Curt Aeroplex/Aerolease Group Castagnola, David Wesco Aircraft Holdings Cayo, Luis Anheuser-Busch, Van Nuys Clay, Thomas Golden Queen Mining Clemow, Marla Wells Fargo & Co. Craft, Ken Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission Crank, James Garland Hotel Crowley, Matt Crowley Corporate Legal Strategy Cusumano, Michael Cusumano Real Estate Group Daily, Jeff Farmers Group Dameris, Peter On Assignment Davis, Mark Hilton Los Angeles Universal City Hotel Demoff, Kevin Los Angeles Rams Dickinson, Dave Delta Scientific DiTomaso Jr., Frank Bank of Santa Clarita Dwyer, Tom CBRE Group Eckerman, Nicholas PizzaRev Ehrlich, Scott InSite Development Endrijonas, Erika Los Angeles Valley College Englander, Mitchell Los Angeles City Council Evenhaim, Shawn California Home Builders Fain, Eric S. St. Jude Medical Feger, Dan Hollywood Burbank Airport Fenenbock, Kevin Colliers International Flavin, Tom Burbank Chamber of Commerce Fleming, David Latham & Watkins Forman, Stephanie Tharpe & Howell Foutz, Timothy NAI Capital CEO Gaines, Fred Gaines & Stacey Garrison, James Pacific Federal Gatto, Michael California State Assembly Gelb, Rickey Gelb Group Ghauri, Najeeb NetSol Technologies Ginsberg, Errol Ixia Gold, Stanley Shamrock Holdings Gordon, Zorick Serviz Greenberg, Robert Second Sight Medical Products Greuel, Wendy Los Angeles City Controller Grimes, Robert Ernst & Young Global Grimwood, Paul Nestle USA Grossman, Peter Grossman Burn Center Guerrero, Alex Valley Economic Development Center Gurney, Tamara Mission Valley Bank Hakami, Hooman Medtronic Diabetes Hamilton, Bill theAgency Hankin, David Alfred Mann Foundation Harrigan, Mary Stonefire Grill Harrison, Dianne F. California State University – Northridge Havner Jr., Ronald Public Storage Hawthorne, Maria PS Business Parks Hayes, Heidi theAgency Hertzberg, Robert California State Senate Heubusch, John Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Hilton, Steven M. Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Holland, Kelly Penthouse Global Media Horn, Alan Walt Disney Studios Hosseinion, Warren Apollo Medical Holdings Iezman, Stanley American Realty Advisors Iger, Robert Walt Disney Co. Jacobs, Jonathan “Jake” Rose Snyder & Jacobs Jamison, Darren Capstone Turbine Johnston, Jeff Johnston Group Kalmenson, Howard Lotus Communications Katzenberg, Jeffrey DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. Kellar, Bob Santa Clarita, City of Kenworthy, Beverly California Apartment Association Kimball, Christopher California Lutheran University King, Coby High Point Strategies Kirchner, Jon DTS Inc. Klein, Bernard Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Knopp, Tony InviteManager Knudson, Ed Antelope Valley College Koretz, Paul Los Angeles City Council Krekorian, Paul Los Angeles City Council Kuo, Ben SoCalTech.com Kurland, Stanford Pennymac Financial Services Kurzweil, Larry Universal Studios Hollywood Lacy, Clay Clay Lacy Aviation Lampert, Gregory Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie Langere, Damian Gelt Inc. Lanzafame, Phillip Glendale, City of Larian, Isaac MGA Entertainment Lavine, Steve California Institute of the Arts Lederer, Jill Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce Ledford, Jim Palmdale, City of Lee, Rich Aetna LeGrett, Kevin iHeart Radio Leonard, Keith Sienna Biopharmaceuticals Liberman, Lenard Liberman Broadcasting Lockhart, John People Media Worldwide LoGuercio, Richard Town and Country Event Rentals Lord, Kenneth California State University – Northridge Louchheim, Mark Bobrick Washroom Equipment Lowe, Murray Warner Center Marriott Maheswaran, Mohan Semtech Markheim, Steven Electro Rent Martinez, Nury Los Angeles City Council Martini, Steven Martini, Iosue & Akpovi Matsuda, Pegi Valley Presbyterian Hospital McCune, Sarah Miller Sage Publications Mehrabian, Robert Teledyne Technologies Merkin, Richard Heritage Group Meyer, Ron NBCUniversal Molina, Joseph JMPR Public Relations Morton, Lon Morton Capital Management Moss, George Moss Group Munter, James Bank of America Merrill Lynch Murdock, David Dole Food Mussi, Natalie Los Robles Hospital and Medical Center Nadji, Hessam Marcus & Millichap Nahapetian, Arby Adventist Health Southern California Namer, Larry Metan Global Entertainment Nissen, Steve NBCUniversal Nober, Steve Consumer Attorney Marketing Group Overton, David Cheesecake Factory Panesis, Mike California Lutheran University Parker, John Parker Brown Parris, R. Rex Lancaster, City of Pendergraft, Ross Leavitt Insurance Services Perry, Louis Kadima Security Pfeffer, Matthew MannKind Corp. Phillips, Kenn Valley Economic Alliance Pollet, Troy CBRE Group Ramirez, Greg City of Agoura Hills Randolph, Kevin Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator Reinke, Brent Musick, Peeler & Garrett Reynolds, Andy Northrop Grumman Roberts, Kevin Glendale Adventist Medical Center Robin, Seymour “Si” Sensor Systems Rose, Judi Valley Community Healthcare Rosenheim, Brad Rosenheim & Associates Rossfeld, John Antelope Valley Hospital Rusnak, Victoria Rusnack Auto Group Ryu, David Los Angeles City Council Salo, Saliba Dignity Health – Northridge Hospital Schreiner, Rudi AmaWaterways Schroeder, Holly Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corp. Scott, Robert Mulholland Institute Seaton, Gary NAI Capital CEO Seaver, Roger Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital Selleck, Dan Selleck Development Group Sewell, Cynthia New Horizons Shaffery, John Poole & Shaffery Shell, Jeff Universal Filmed Entertainment Sherman, Brad Congress, United States Shindler, Marty Shindler Perspective Sigal, Sandy NewMark Merrill Cos. Simpson, Danone Montage Insurance Solutions Simpson, Wendy LTC Properties Singelyn, David American Homes 4 Rent Sobel, Jan Boys & Girls Club of West Valley Sprengel, Julie Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center Stevens, Todd California Resources Corp. Stewart, Julia DineEquity Inc. Stupp, Henry Cherokee Global Brands Suh, John LegalZoom.com Swartz, Jan Princess Cruises Tamaki, Kevin AT&T Tomey-Redmond, Denise Carousel Ranch Toneman, J.P. Toneman Development Corp. Tsujihara, Kevin Warner Bros. Tucker, Therese Blackline Tull, Thomas Legendary Entertainment Tutor, Ronald Tutor Perini Valdespino, Gustavo Valley Presbyterian Hospital Van Hook, Dianne Santa Clarita Community College District Vanyek, Nancy Hoffman Greater San Fernando Valley Chamber of Commerce Verheilig-Fraiser, Stacy Charles Dunn Co. Waldman, Stuart Valley Industry & Commerce Association Watkins, Michael Jet Propulsion Laboratory Weiss, Rob Lockheed Martin Whitesides, George Vi8rgin Galactic Williams, Diana West Valley-Warner Center Chamber of Commerce Woltosz, Walter Simulations Plus Yallen, Robert Inter/Media Group of Cos. Yu, John ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Zuckerman, Irv PizzaRev

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