Tuesday, Feb. 22 Retail Sales The U.S. Small Business Administration and Service Corps of Retired Executives host a two-hour seminar on starting a retail business, with tips on marketing, merchandise planning and purchasing. The workshop starts at 9:30 a.m. in the SCORE conference room, 330 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 190, Glendale. Information: (818) 552-3206. Wednesday, Feb. 23 Hollywood Hype The Entertainment Publicists Professional Society and American Marketing Association stage a panel discussion on “How to Add Hollywood Hype to Your Marketing Strategy,” with entertainment-industry promoters from 20th Century Fox, Saban Entertainment, Rhino Entertainment, Warner Bros. and other companies. The panel dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. at Mountaingate Country Club, 12445 Mountaingate Drive, Los Angeles. Information: (818) 909-4444, ext. 226. Race in 2000 The Rev. Zedar Broadous, president of the San Fernando Valley branch of the NAACP and founder of the area’s Black Chamber of Commerce, will appear with civil rights leader Julian Bond, chairman of the board of the national NAACP, as part of Soka University’s lecture series. The talk on “Race Rights in the New Millennium” begins at 7 p.m. at the Calabasas campus, 26800 W, Mulholland Highway. Information: (818) 878-3780. Thursday, Feb. 24 LAUSD Breakup? The L.A. County Committee on School District Organization holds a public hearing on a proposal to create two San Fernando Valley school districts separate from the LAUSD. Meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Birmingham High School, 7000 Haynes St., Van Nuys. Information: (562) 922-6111