Walt Disney Co. is capitalizing on the popularity of its Star Wars spinoff series “The Mandalorian” with “Mando Mondays,” an upcoming retail campaign in which the company will release a toy, book, comic or other collectible item inspired by the show every Monday.The first product will drop Oct. 26, just four days before the Burbank entertainment and media giant releases season two of the hit series – which took home seven Emmy awards earlier this month – on its streaming platform Disney+. The campaign will run for nine weeks, ending Dec. 21.“The Mandalorian,” which debuted last November, tells the story of an armored bounty hunter protecting precious cargo from myriad threats as he travels the outer reaches of the galaxy following the collapse of the autocratic Galactic Empire. Several Mando Monday products are already available for pre-order, including three pop vinyl bobblehead figurines made by Funko Inc., in Everett, Wash.; action figures from Hasbro Inc.’s Black Series Credit Collection; and a LEGO Star Wars construction kit. According to a statement from Disney’s President of Consumer Products, Games and Publishing Kareem Daniel, the success of Mandalorian toy products last fall inspired the forthcoming campaign. “When ‘The Mandalorian’ debuted last year on Disney+, the show became an instant phenomenon, with fans of all ages expressing excitement for products related to its iconic characters – particularly the Child,” he said. The “Child” character is colloquially known as “Baby Yoda.” A Funko Pop bobblehead of Baby Yoda became one of the most in-demand toy products released last year, and was the highest pre-selling toy in Funko’s history. The figurine, which cost $8.78, temporarily became the No. 1 toy sold on Amazon.com in December – and it wasn’t even out yet. A plush Baby Yoda toy made by Mattel Inc. in El Segundo also cracked Amazon’s list of top 100 toys.“This fall, as the world continues to watch the narrative unfold, we will further bring this unique Star Wars story to life through a must-have selection of toys, books, comics, digital content and more,” Daniel added.